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A member registered Aug 07, 2022

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Even though it will inevitably draw comparisons with Keep Talking, I think you did a really nice job with the puzzles.  They are not complex, but figuring out the instructions was still fun with the stress of the timer:  we beat level 3 with 6 seconds remaining!  

Love the art too.

One would think that two players controlling the same hamster wheel (nice pun by the way) would be unplayable.  This game proves it works, and can be fun!

Though making coordinated jumps was quite difficult, even playing on the same keyboard.  Maybe some more leniency on coordinated inputs, higher jumps, or more clement level design would have helped.

Nice idea.   However, we did not manage to beat level 2 because we couldn't figure how to jump on top of each other?  (We tried stationary jumping only, maybe that was the issue?)

Well, we tried to survive, but only made it to 1 second left after a dozen tries.  This game is hard!  Small nitpick: the players shown on the controls screen are in the reverse order of how actual players would play on the keyboard.

Although a bit disorienting at first, the point of view is original.  I think you can definitely go further with the concept, and maybe add some incentive to shoot the other player?

Very creative!  Controlling the duo without communicating with the other player was suprisingly fluid.  I had the drill and could hint at a direction just by moving.

The eels are maybe a tad overpowered, since respawning and drilling the same crystals can feel a bit punitive/repetitive.

I really liked the way you used in-game dialogues for introducing game mechanisms.

Nice idea!  A bit too short right now, but with more levels it could be really fun. 

Also, maybe last-minute platforms should allow you to save the human for more thrill. 

Love the graphics.